Enhancing public good through advances in Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing

The Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS) is dedicated to equitably building national capacity for foundational and use-inspired research in artificial intelligence and quantum computing supporting public good applications.

Environmental Data Science

Environmental Data Science

USRA’s Environmental Data Science group is part of the USRA Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS). We conduct a portfolio of research projects applying advanced machine learning, AI, and other data data science approaches to environmental, geological, and biological applications including research on natural disasters, atmospheric and aerosol sciences, astrobiology, space biology, air quality and human health on Earth and in Space. Our researchers are developing innovative approaches to model and predict natural hazards focusing on rapid flood mapping, earthquake early warning, landslide risk monitoring, and wildfire preparedness, response and recovery. We support USGS, NASA, and other academic and governmental sponsors through cooperative agreements and PI awards.

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Quantum Information Science

Quantum Information Science

The mission of RIACS quantum computing team is to advance the industry and the body of knowledge in quantum information related sciences, and to continue to provide to its partners the most qualified technical support to address hard challenges in applied computer science.

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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

USRA has partnered with the Intelligent Systems Division at NASA's Ames Research Center to conduct collaborative research on AI and Robotics.

Current projects include research on planning and scheduling, as well as application of technologies from the mobile phone industry for intelligent systems. For example, this includes collaboration on the SPHERES Smartphone Project, which is part of the NASA Human Exploration Telerobotics Mission.

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