Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science
An institute of the Universities Space Research Association

Exploration Technology: Release of NASA Life Sciences Portal (NLSP)

October 2022

This fiscal year, technical staff in USRA’s NAMS Program led the development and release of the new NASA Life Sciences Portal, which replaces the legacy NASA Life Science Data Archive (LSDA). The NLSP provides information and data on life science studies involving human, plant and animal subjects from 1961 (Mercury Project) through current flight and flight analog studies (International Space Station). The portal includes data from 300+ missions with 2500+ experiments by 1300+ principal investigators from 700+ organizations including 300+ universities. It also includes studies in 30+ research areas that include neuroscience (300+ experiments), cell and molecular biology (250+ experiments), cardiovascular physiology (250+ experiments), skeletal physiology (250+ experiments), behavior and performance (250+ experiments), and radiation biology (240+ experiments). The core NLSP development team members are John Dunn, Project Manager, (USRA), Kamyar Rasouli (USRA), Patrick Moore, Software Engineer (USRA), and Stuart Williscroft (USRA).

A large group of NLSP stakeholders met in Houston to review the software and discuss the roadmap. The in-person meetings included a group dinner pictured below. Attendees included John Dunn (USRA Group Lead), Patrick Moore (USRA Software Engineer), Antoine Carter (HHPC Task Order Manager), Aaron Lott (USRA Technical Area Lead), Dan Berrios (Deputy Project Manager), Robert Beaton (LSDA Archivists), Carlos De Los Santos (IRD Tech Integrator), Lucy Barnes-Morton (Admin Assistant), Mary Van Baalen (LSDA Manager), Diedre Thomas (LSDA Archivists Lead), Susan Tourney (SA4 Manager), Sara Jorgenson (LSDA Archivist), Jessica Keune (LSDA Deputy Manager), Sandeep (Project Manager), Ruth Reitzel (LSAH Manager), Eric Gallegher (SA4 IT Manager), Vanessa Lehman (DMIO), Kathryn Richards (DMIO), Olga Kieschnick (DMIO Manager), Macresia Alibaruho (PP&C Manager, Human Research Program (HRP)). 

For more information, visit: NLSP.NASA.GOV

NLSP group
(Front left to back): John Dunn, Patrick Moore, Antoine Carter, Aaron Lott, Dan Berrios, Robert Beaton, Carlos De Los Santos, Lucy Barnes-Morton, Mary Van Baalen, Diedre Thomas, (end of table) Susan Tourney, (from back to front on right side) Sara Jorgenson, Jessica Keune, Sandeep, Ruth Reitzel, Eric Gallegher, Vanessa Lehman, Kathryn Richards, Olga Kieschnick, Macresia Alibaruho (Image Credit: Aaron Lott). Not pictured: Ethan Hart (ROI Lead), Terri Blatt (Office Chief, SA4/Business and Information Systems Services Office).


Screenshot of NLSP website
Screenshot of NLSP website. (Image credit: NLSP website)